
Nmap - TryHackMe!

nmap Task 2 What networking constructs are used to direct traffic to the right application on a server? ports How many of these are available on any network-enabled computer? 65535 [Research] How many of these are considered “well-known”? (These are the “standard” numbers mentioned in the task)? 1024 Task 3 What is the first switch listed in the help menu for a ‘Syn Scan’ (more on this later!)? -sS Which switch would you use for a “UDP scan”? -sU If you wanted to detect which operating system the target is running on, which switch would you use? -O Nmap provides a switch to detect the version of the services running on the target. What is this switch? -sV The default output provided by nmap often does not provide enough information for a pentester. How would you increase the verbosity? -v Verbosity level one is good, but verbosity level two is better! How would you set the verbosity level to two? (Note: it’s highly advisable to a...

Introductory Networking - TryHackMe!

networking Task 2 Which layer would choose to send data over TCP or UDP? 4 Which layer checks received packets to make sure that they haven’t been corrupted? 2 In which layer would data be formatted in preparation for transmission? 2 Which layer transmits and receives data? 1 Which layer encrypts, compresses, or otherwise transforms the initial data to give it a standardised format? 6 Which layer tracks communications between the host and receiving computers? 5 Which layer accepts communication requests from applications? 7 Which layer handles logical addressing? 3 When sending data over TCP, what would you call the “bite-sized” pieces of data? segments [Research] Which layer would the FTP protocol communicate with? 7 Which transport layer protocol would be best suited to transmit a live video? udp Task 3 How would you refer to data at layer 2 of the encapsulation process (with the OSI model)? frames How would you...

Linux fundamental part 1

Linux fundamentals Linux Fundamentals Part 1 Task 4 How would you output hello without a newline? In the man pages you can see the option (man echo) -n do not output the trailing newline answer : echo -n hello Task 5 In this case you can also watch over the man pages -l = long listing -a = show hidden dot files -t = List by time What flag outputs all entries? -a What flag outputs things in a “long list” format? -l Task 6 They provide a nice picture easily you can get the flag What flag numbers all output lines? -n Task 8 How would you run a binary called hello using the directory shortcut . ? ./hello How would you run a binary called hello in your home directory using the shortcut ~ ? ~/hello How would you run a binary called hello in the previous directory using the shortcut … ? ../hello Task 9 shiba1@nootnoot:~$ touch noot.txt shiba1@nootnoot:~$ ls noot.txt shiba1 shiba1@nootnoot:~$ ./shiba1 > noot.txt sh...

Linux fundamentals part 2

Linux fundamentals Linux Fundamentals Part 2 Task 1,2,3,4 In this case you can use their attack box or your machine. I’m using my machine to do this. We got credentials to shiba2 from Linux Fundamentals Part 1 ┌─ [ visith@parrot ] ─ [ ~/Desktop/CTF/thm/Linux_Fundamentals/part_2 ] └──╼ $ssh shiba2@ The authenticity of host ' (' can 't be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:IivpLEJoW3uwEdrsiUSFX8EfJsQgcQS0K6mfWr08BNU. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes Warning: Permanently added ' ' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts. shiba2@' s password:pinguftw ( you can't see the password when you typing it ) .. .. shiba2@nootnoot:~$ Task 6 How would you set nootnoot equal to 1111? export nootnoot=1111 What is the value of the home environment variable? /home/shiba2 Task 9 How would you output twenty to a file called...

Linux fundamentals part 3

Linux fundamentals Linux Fundamentals Part 3 Task 1 Let’s go ahead and connect to the shiba3. We got theshiba3 credentials from Linux Fundamentals Part 2 . ─ [ visith@parrot ] ─ [ ~/Desktop/CTF/thm/Linux_Fundamentals/part_3 ] └──╼ $ssh shiba3@ The authenticity of host ' (' can 't be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:IivpLEJoW3uwEdrsiUSFX8EfJsQgcQS0K6mfWr08BNU. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes Warning: Permanently added ' ' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts. shiba3@' s password:happynootnoises .. .. shiba3@nootnoot:~$ Task 3 Using relative paths, how would you cd to your home directory? cd ~ Using absolute paths how would you make a directory called test in /tmp? mkdir /tmp /test Task 4 How would I link /home/test/testfile to /tmp/test? ln /home/test/testfile /tmp/test Task 5 How do you find files th...

Google Dorking Room walkthrough - TryHackMe!

google dorking Task 2 - Let’s learn about crawlers Name the key term of what a “Crawler” is used to do Index What is the name of the technique that “Search Engines” use to retrieve this information about websites? crawling What is an example of the type of contents that could be gathered from a website? keywords Task 4 - Enter: Search Engine Optimisations Where would “robots.txt” be located on the domain “ ” If a website was to have a sitemap, where would that be located? /sitemap.xml How would we only allow “Bingbot” to index the website? user-agent:Bingbot How would we prevent a “Crawler” from indexing the directory “/dont-index-me/”? Disallow:/dont-index-me/ What is the extension of a Unix/Linux system configuration file that we might want to hide from “Crawlers”? .conf Task 5 - Sitemaps What is the typical file structure of a “Sitemap”? xml What real life example can “Sitemaps” be c...

Working with For-loops exercises 1

python 4-1. Pizzas: Think of at least three kinds of your favorite pizza. Store these pizza names in a list, and then use a for loop to print the name of each pizza.Modify your for loop to print a sentence using the name of the pizza instead of printing just the name of the pizza. For each pizza you should have one line of output containing a simple statement like I like pepperoni pizza. Add a line at the end of your program, outside the for loop,that states how much you like pizza. The output should consist of three or more lines about the kinds of pizza you like and then an additional sentence, such as I really love pizza! 4-2. Animals: Think of at least three different animals that have a common characteristic. Store the names of these animals in a list, and then use a for loop to print out the name of each animal. Modify your program to print a statement about each animal,such as A dog would make a great pet. Add a line at the end of your program stati...