Just another student with big dreams. I hack things and write about them. I'm trying to give clear notes and a good explanation for each one of them.
Linux fundamentals part 2
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Linux fundamentals
Linux Fundamentals Part 2
Task 1,2,3,4
In this case you can use their attack box or your machine. I’m using my machine to do this.
We got credentials to shiba2 from Linux Fundamentals Part 1
└──╼ $ssh shiba2@
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:IivpLEJoW3uwEdrsiUSFX8EfJsQgcQS0K6mfWr08BNU.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
shiba2@'s password:pinguftw (you can't see the password when you typing it)....
Task 6
How would you set nootnoot equal to 1111?
export nootnoot=1111
What is the value of the home environment variable?
Task 9
How would you output twenty to a file called test?
How would you change the owner of file to paradox?
chown paradox file
What about the owner and the group of file to paradox?
chown paradox:paradox file
What flag allows you to operate on every file in the directory at once?
Look in to the man file using man chown
-R, --recursive
operate on files and directories recursively
Task 15
What permissions mean the user can read the file, the group can read and write to the file, and no one else can read, write or execute the file?
What permissions mean the user can read, write, and execute the file, the group can read, write, and execute the file, and everyone else can read, write, and execute the file.
Task 16
What flag deletes every file in a directory?
Take peek into the man page and u can find this flag
-r, -R, --recursive
remove directories and their contents recursively
How do you suppress all warning prompts?
-f, --force
ignore nonexistent files and arguments, never prompt
thm What we can learn from this machine : XXE injection Enumerations SUID exploit let’s start with a nmap scan. normal nmap scan found port 80 webserver called Mustacchio and port 22 ssh open running ubuntu. I try to running a full nmap scan for see more ports are open above the port 1000. # Nmap 7.91 scan initiated Sat Jun 12 14:57:25 2021 as: nmap -sC -sV -p- -oN scans/nmap-allports Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.15s latency). Not shown: 65532 filtered ports PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 7.2p2 Ubuntu 4ubuntu2.10 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0) | ssh-hostkey: | 2048 d3:9e:50:66:5f:27:a0:60:a7:e8:8b:cb:a9:2a:f0:19 (RSA) | 256 5f:98:f4:5d:dc:a1:ee:01:3e:91:65:0a:80:52:de:ef (ECDSA) |_ 256 5e:17:6e:cd:44:35:a8:0b:46:18:cb:00:8d:49:b3:f6 (ED25519) 80/tcp open http Apache httpd 2.4.18 ((Ubuntu)) | http-robots.txt: 1 disallowed entry |_/ |_http-server-header: Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu) |_http-t...
Welcome file Welcome to another CTF-writeup !! Tech_support:1 by vikaran. What we can learn from this machine. nmap scan , smbmap etc. (enumeration skills) subrion cms 4.2.1 RCE iconv sudo permission to overwritten files and read the files Let’s start with enumeration. First with nmap to see what port we have in the box. Nmap scan ┌── ( defalt@kali ) - [ ~/Documents/tryhackme/Tech_Supp0rt:1 ] └─$ nmap -sC -sV Starting Nmap 7.92 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2022-04-15 21:29 PDT Nmap scan report for Host is up ( 0.37s latency ) . Not shown: 996 closed tcp ports ( conn-refused ) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 7.2p2 Ubuntu 4ubuntu2.10 ( Ubuntu Linux ; protocol 2.0 ) | ssh-hostkey: | 2048 10:8a:f5:72:d7:f9:7e:14:a5:c5:4f:9e:97:8b:3d:58 ( RSA ) | 256 7f:10:f5:57:41:3c:71:db:b5:5b:db:75:c9:76:30:5c ( ECDSA ) | _ 256 6b:4c:23:50:6f:36:00:7c:a6:7c:11:73:c1:a8:60:0c ( ED25519 ) 80/tcp open http Apache ht...
nmap Task 2 What networking constructs are used to direct traffic to the right application on a server? ports How many of these are available on any network-enabled computer? 65535 [Research] How many of these are considered “well-known”? (These are the “standard” numbers mentioned in the task)? 1024 Task 3 What is the first switch listed in the help menu for a ‘Syn Scan’ (more on this later!)? -sS Which switch would you use for a “UDP scan”? -sU If you wanted to detect which operating system the target is running on, which switch would you use? -O Nmap provides a switch to detect the version of the services running on the target. What is this switch? -sV The default output provided by nmap often does not provide enough information for a pentester. How would you increase the verbosity? -v Verbosity level one is good, but verbosity level two is better! How would you set the verbosity level to two? (Note: it’s highly advisable to a...